The 4-month high touch, intimate relationship mastermind for a woman of impact longing to learn how to trust the Masculine and create a compatible relationship where she feels safe, cherished and chosen.

For you if you’re single and long to call in a partner OR  if you’re in a relationship and desire to deepen it.


The 4-month high touch, intimate relationship mastermind for a woman of impact longing to learn how to trust the Masculine and create a compatible relationship where she feels safe, cherished and chosen.

For you if you’re single and long to call in a partner OR  if you’re in a relationship and desire to deepen it.


You are a woman of Impact. Substance. Devotion.

People look up to you.
You’re capable of executing the wildest visions into reality and can achieve anything you set your mind to. 

And, even if you’re capable of leading your relationship, you…don’t want to. 

You’ve worked so hard to create business success that, along the way, you’ve sacrificed the very things that ignite your Feminine heart: your romantic relationship, sexual aliveness, and emotional intimacy.

Your heart is aching with a longing… to HAVE IT ALL.
Both professional success AND a legendary love.
Commitment to business growth AND devotion to a Beloved who wants to ravish you.
Leading a team AND knowing how to surrender to his desire to claim you.

You’re sensing that the time has come to extend your mastery to the Art of Sacred Relating.

It’s time to have your heart claimed, sexuality ignited, consciousness expanded by a strong Masculine partner who can fully meet you at all levels.

You are here to experience love that brings out the best in both of you.


Your Purpose

The life that you have created seems to push you into your Masculine goal-oriented mode. It works until… it doesn’t.

Leading from your Masculine all day long does not feel like your natural habitat – you long to learn how to lead your life from a place of full body aliveness and easeful flow.

Your work life and responsibilities seem to permeate all of your life – without wanting, you end up approaching your relationships in your head, micromanaging his spiritual growth and not trusting to let him lead you.

You know that the deep emotional intimacy, the passion, the spiritual communion are somewhere there…

And you won’t settle until you learn how to access these states. Consistently.


Your Heart

If you’re currently in a relationship, deep down you’ve been feeling that your partner can’t fully meet you and is not as committed to “doing the work” as much work as you.

If you’re dating, all the men you meet either feel not “masculine enough” or are not ready to commit.

Relationship life has become confusing and you find it that it is easier to… simply focus on work – this is where you feel in control.

Along the way, you grew resentful of the Masculine and built an armour around your heart which feels like a hard shell of stories, unexpressed love, and unclaimed desires.

You may have been even told that your success or power are “intimidating” to men. It’s not true. 

It’s not your success, it is the armour that you have built on your way to success that blocks the very love you want.


In the deepest chamber of your heart, resides a LONGING.

A Longing to feel loved, chosen, cherished, seen, met and held.

This Longing is so tender, so vulnerable, so sacred!

When you resist your Longing, it stiffens our capacity to love and devote.

When you embrace it, it will take you to the exquisitely profound realms of being an Awakened Woman. 

Your Feminine Longing, when felt at the body level, will crack your heart wide open into Eros, love, desire, power and deepest intimacy you could ever imagine.  

This is the beginning of a true Sacred Union.

This is exactly the vibe of Sacred Beloved.


The 4 month high touch, somatic intensive for the high achieving woman who is longing to experience legendary love, feel safe to surrender and be led by a powerful beloved (without telling him what to do).

The next round of Sacred Beloved is starting in Jan 2023.

Join the wait list now!

I have completed more courses than I can name, but Aurika’s programme Sacred Beloved is the deepest and most powerful that I have done.

I never had that deep intimacy with myself. This programme has taught me to speak up for what I want and deserve, reject what doesn’t align with me and remind myself that I do not need to explain my no.

In three months my external world transitioned to another level – my financial growth, business, happiness, relationship with myself, my family and others. They are all connected. Even after years of fighting with my sister, we have finally rebuilt our relationship.

Aurika is a coach who embodies what she teaches; she is the female leader that my heart felt so aligned with. She inspired and guided me to connect with all parts of my life.

Now, I allow myself to experience what my heart desires. I have never felt so much love towards myself.”


Dance Educator. Malaysia

Sacred Beloved is exactly for you if you desire:

✧ Dissolve the armour of resentment around your heart in order to truly let love in and masterfully navigate emotions with your heart open

✧ Understand your relationship non-negotiables, get clear on what your compatible relationship looks like and feel confident to express that to your current or future partner 

 ✧ Rewire the pattern of being attracted to emotionally unavailable men and create a body-deep imprint of healthy, emotionally-connected love 

 ✧ Master Feminine communication so that you could not get your all of your needs met but also ignite his Masculine impulse to claim and cherish you 

✧ Learn how to source your own pleasure and used this sacred energy as the potent channel for manifestation and Tantric rituals

✧ Begin healing the Father Wound and mature your own inner Masculine so that you’re able to hold yourself, set clear boundaries and create safety to feel your deepest emotions

 ✧ Embrace your Longing to be fully chosen and learn how to live in communion with your Longing (I’ll tell you a secret – it doesn’t go away even when you’re in a relationship!)

 ✧ Learn how to initiate a man emotionally and sexually whilst supporting him to feel safe in your relationship to step into his power 


Sacred Beloved is body-led

A lot of the relationship programs will address the core relationship healing topics: inner child healing, conscious communication, discovering your attachment style etc.

These are fundamental tools. And if they’re only mind-based, they do not go deep enough to truly transform the ways you love and let love in. You can’t meditate your resentment away and journal your patterns “out of your system”. Lasting change must include the body.

In Sacred Beloved, we take time to create safety for you to be in the body and do somatic healing before doing any relationship work. Once you can stay in your body – with its subtlest sensations and deepest emotions – without collapsing, the relationship work will land on a whole new depth.

Then, it’s not just you listening to the mentor, but actually hearing and being guided by your own body.

Sacred Beloved is life-oriented

It’s one thing to do the work just on your yoga mat behind closed doors, it’s something else to practice sacred relating in real life. 

Sacred Beloved is life-oriented. Depending on your relationship status, you will be invited to do different practices that will be supporting you either to practice authentic dating to call in your desired relationship or elevate the relationship you’re currently in. 

This includes powerful embodied communication practices, Tantric rituals and, if you desire, support in setting up your dating profile.

Sacred Beloved honours sexuality

A lot of relationship programs do not include sexuality further than the conversation of how to talk about your sexual needs. Sacred Sexuality goes so much deeper than this – it holds a massive portal to our unconscious and also the energetics between two people.

Sexuality, when approached consciously, flushes out everything that is not love. Thus, in Sacred Beloved, we’ll be exploring Sacred Sexuality as a healing modality to meet our shadows and transmute them to love. 

On top of that, we’ll be exploring Masculine-Feminine energetics in order to ignite lasting sexual chemistry and transform an ordinary, stagnant relationship into an extraordinary quest for love.

Aurika creates an experience that is more than a meditation or an exercise. She creates a guided transformative experience during the live calls that are ceremonial, invoking change on a core level.

You name a modality – I ‘ve done it. Just after two classes, I knew that what Aurika was doing was different.

I have experienced two Aurika’s long-term programs and I love that they are so operational, sequential and complete. You’ll never leave you wondering how they apply. So, not only am I experiencing deep changes that are unique to my system during the calls, I have a toolbox of practices to refer back to.

She held and created experiences for lasting change. The longer time container (compared to a 2 week program, for example) created safety for me to shift so many big blocks in my life and learn how to truly hold space for the ebbs and flows of my transformation.

Just knowing that Aurika was there as my guide and my group was there every week sharing similar experiences, gave me more permission to go deep and be vulnerable.

I am forever grateful.


business owner. USA

It’s not about the kind of man you attract,
it’s about who you get to become in the process.

It’s not about the kind of man you attract, it’s about who you get to become in the process.

Join the wait list for Sacred Beloved Now

What will you receive during the 4 months of being inside SACRED BELOVED:

8 x 90min Live teaching and practice calls led by Aurika

A mixture between teaching to stimulate your mind, practice to create change at the somatic level embodiment, and integration to solidify and apply your experience into your daily life.

4 x 60min Live integration and sisterhood connection calls led by Aurika

It’s not only the quality of our romantic relationships that determines the quality of our lives, it’s also the relationships with other women. Every month, we will have a call where we get to integrate our transformations into real life and get to be held and witnessed by other women.

2 x bonus sessions with high-sought guest speakers

You’ll get a chance to experience what it’s like to date, open up to, and commit to a relationship from the Masculine experience. Q&A included, of course!

Program Foreplay

I know you’re so devoted to this path of Love! Thus, I prepared some delicious material for you to begin taking the first steps opening your heart as love even before the actual start of the program.

Sisterhood community on Telegram

Access to a private Telegram chat where you can share about your experience and reach out to other women for support. Aurika will jump into the chat to answer any questions twice a week.

70 page manual with teachings and practice descriptions

To support your transformation with powerful guidance, teaching, detailed practice descriptions, and journaling prompts. This will powerfully support you to keep on applying this work for the rest of your life.

Beloved Besties

Small group pod with other women to keep you accountable, motivated, and inspired throughout the program, and possibly for years to come! Optional but highly recommended!

In-depth foreplay questionnaire

To take an inventory of your relationship journey and get clear on what you desire to experience.

In-depth aftercare questionnaire

To reflect upon, celebrate, and integrate your transformations in ways that powerfully apply to your unique life situation and create a game plan for the next months!

Long-term access to program material.

Most women love repeating my programs because each time they are able to absorb this work with a whole new level of consciousness! Thus, you will have access to all the program material and call replays for at least one year from the end of the program.

If the quality of your life depends on the quality of your relationships…

Imagine how your life could look like when it is held in a Sacred Union oriented towards spiritual growth, where your heart is held in utmost safety and where passion only deepens over the years?

Join the wait list for Sacred Beloved now

Thanks to this working with Aurika, all of my relationships went through very important transformations — my relationship with myself, my partner, my children, my ex-husband and even my parents.

I’ve been a “communication nerd” for many years now and, I must say, this program with Aurika has completely upleveled my communication skills. I learnt how to express my emotions in an integrated way and how to not bypass my emotions by talking about them too much. I’m now able to express my needs and boundaries in such beautiful ways that I didn’t know were possible before and, even more, I also know how to support the other person to express their needs and boundaries at such a new level. 

It’s so wonderful to see how Aurika truly embodies what she teaches. She’s so centered and has a very strong inner union, so she can really hold the space with a masculine structure and clear frames and also be such a role model when it comes to the feminine – dancing, shaking and expressing emotions. Such an inspiration!

Aurika has not only been an inspiration as a coach, but also really supported me with discovering myself and understanding what I want for my life and not continuing to live on autopilot. I feel extremely grateful for that. If you’re thinking of joining this program –  you definitely won’t regret it.


Professional Singer & Relationship Coach. Sweden

I don’t really have words that would be enough to express the impact that Aurika’s programs have had on my life. If only my body could speak in words.

Working with Aurika has been one of the most meaningful experiences I’ve ever had. I’ve got to experience and accept so many different sides of myself; leaning into my emotions fully, especially the uncomfortable ones, opened up my body to feel more joy, pleasure, happiness, and desire every day. Asking my body what she wants to tell me has changed how I view myself and taught me to set boundaries.

I’ve done several other practices, but they were just surface level compared to what I’ve experienced here. Moving through the emotions instead of suppressing them has been the most transformational – thanks to this work I will never be the same again.

I deeply recommend experiencing Aurika’s work to every wild woman out there who feels that there is just more than average life, average pleasure, average happiness and average relationships. Especially those who have done some kind of spiritual work and feel that there has to be more to this.

The Tantric and somatic approach is the missing piece to live a pleasurable life.

Thank you Aurika for inspiring me to live my truth authentically and unapologetically. I believe that her work will change the world.



For the first time, I managed to truly express my most vulnerable emotions in front of my husband.

I gained so many tools to understand myself and how I got to where I am. It’s given me the confidence to own my choices in life and relationships. 

I feel so much lighter and more comfortable in my body after doing the somatic work – like a physical burden I no longer have to carry. Even some chronic pain that was part of my life disappeared. My friends were asking whether I lost weight! 

The sisterhood community made me feel so connected to people who live far across the world. It was so relieving to hear other women feeling the same way and learning that it’s okay to take up space. Now I feel worthy and deserving of love.  

Aurika was so present and open! And she also modeled a healthy way to set boundaries with love which was so profound.  Having the opportunity to interact and learn from her has been invaluable. 

I gained so many tools to understand myself and how I got to where I am. It’s given me the confidence to own my choices in life and relationships. My life has been changed in such an amazing way and I am beyond grateful.


Public Policy Advocate. USA

Are you ready to awaken through the path of sacred relating?

Join the wait list for Sacred Beloved

In Sacred Beloved, we will be working with a crystal yoni wand to resentize and de-armour your yoni. To get the most out of this program, it’s best that you have a yoni wand. If you already have one, that’s absolutely perfect. If you desire to purchase a high quality, ethically sourced yoni wand, you can find some options on my website — CLICK HERE.  Otherwise, feel free to get your yoni wand from anywhere it feels good to you. If you’re not sure which one to buy, feel free to send me a DM!


You’ve got questions, my love? I’ve got answers!

Can you guarantee that this program will help me attract a partner?

There are two things I never promise my clients – a relationship and an orgasm. These experiences depend on SO MANY factors that are unique to you and your belief systems.

That being said, we will be healing your relationship with the Masculine and the Father Wound at a profound, somatic level. Your relationship patterns will change. You will feel so much safer to open as love, be confident in your communication and vulnerable in your expression. Your template of relating will be upgraded. And yes, this may result in a sacred union during or after the program.

I am already in a relationship – can I still join?

Yes, a big part of program content is about healing your relationship with the Masculine, heart de-armouring, learning about Masculine-Feminine polarity etc. This is relevant to all women in spite of their relationship status. On top of that, in some modules, there will be different teachings and practices for single women vs women who are in a relationship to support both scenarios. For example, if you’re single, you’ll have more focus on integrating this work through dating. If you’re in a relationship, your integration work will be centered specifically around your relationship.

Are there any refunds?

Nope. By joining this program you take full responsibility for your participation and the commitment to complete the payments.

How does Sacred Beloved differ from your other program, e.g. Erotically Embodied?

Erotically Embodied is about awakening your body, emotions, sexuality in connection to yourself.

Sacred Beloved is a relationship intensive. All the deep healing and pleasure work will be orientated towards your relationship life. Since Sacred Beloved is life-orientated and will require more integration time, the program is longer, more intimate and has a private Telegram chat which creates a higher touch than a FB group. 

If you have already done EE, you will find some concepts and practices that you already know because they are the foundation of this work. That being said, most of this material is not taught in any of my other programs.

What if I can’t attend a session?

If for some reason you can’t make it to a session, don’t worry. Everything will be recorded so you can view the recording anytime later. If you know in advance that you can’t make it and have a question about your practice, you can send it to me beforehand and I’ll have it answered during the call. This way you feel completely included in the journey.

Will I need private space to attend the calls?

Yes. You will need to check in with your family so that they can give you private space and time not only during the sessions, but also for home practices. Having private space and time is fundamental for you to get the most out of this experience.

More about your Facilitator

Aurika Valan is a Women’s Intimacy and Leadership Coach. Her deepest soul calling is to support female leaders desiring to have it all – both business success and legendary love, the Feminine way.

High achieving women come to Aurika when they have created business success yet along the way they lost touch with the very things that light up their Feminine hearts.

Thus, Aurika supports visionary women in creating a Sacred Union where they feel truly safe, cherished and chosen AND also in creating business success that is in a deep alignment with their bodily wisdom, pleasure, and the nervous system.

Aurika works with women long-term through 1:1 and group coaching, blending somatic, trauma-informed methods and Tantra,  creating an EMBODIED transformation that lasts for the rest of their lives.