Do you long to feel your sexual energy pulsating in your veins
and wear that *afterglow* instead of makeup?
Do you long to feel your sexual energy pulsating in your veins and wear that *afterglow* instead of makeup?
Do you secretly wish to be able to drop out of your buzzing head and into your blissfully pleasurable body?
Are ready to let go of the armour on your heart and experience heart-expanding intimacy where you feel genuinely met as a woman?
If this is you, gorgeous, then I welcome you back home.
Let’s go a level deeper. Take a deep breath into heart and imagine this:
Experiencing soulful intimacy where sex is a form of prayer, not another another thing on the to do list.
Knowing how and when to shift from the go- to the flow-mode (key to awaken the Eros…with yourself or your partner!).
EMBODYING (not just understanding) your authentic feminine where all of her facets—from a fierce tigress to a caring mother—are equally sacred.
Feeling worthy of receiving pleasure, love, and compliments (without deflecting or justifying yourself, “oh that’s just an old dress…”).
Knowing how to channel your erotic energy to elevate all of your life—self-love, relationships, business creativity, and connection to Source.
If you’re already feeling some warm tingles, you are in good company sister. Let’s dive even deeper.
Do any of these experiences feel true for you?
You’re busy doing big things in life and have no time to lose by waiting around and trying to figure out your sexuality over the next 5 years. You can’t afford to keep showing up in your relationships from your head, withholding your deepest vulnerability, and speaking about your emotions instead of feeling them.
You want to actually want sex. You dream about toe-curling pleasure, but you just can’t let go of control. Your sexual desire is trapped somewhere in the bedsheets between nostalgic memories of the old good passionate days and nights that once happened.
As you’ve been evolving spiritually, you came to realize that the old ways of making love (think: penetration before you’re ready, foreplay that doesn’t open your heart) no longer serve the Goddess that you’re becoming. You desire to enter sexual realms with relaxation, passion and confidence, where you’re so attuned to your body that you can easily ditch the script of “what’s right and appropriate”.
You’ve done inner work yet even spirituality became just another thing on your to do list—precious concepts that live fully in the head. You’ve read all the right spiritual books, watched all Dr. Joe Dispenza’s videos, got a yoni egg (that is getting dusty on a shelf), invested in courses on self-love, and joined epic retreats, yet feeling burnt out with no juice in the body to keep you going. “How do I get to my body and pleasure”, you ask yourself?
On top of all this self-development work, you’re also trying to master the Art of Relationships though you keep running up against the same wall. If you’re in a relationship, your conflicts are beginning to sound like a broken record. If you’re single, you keep attracting exactly the same kind of guys (not alone here—I spent a whole decade attracting men who looked like brothers!). You genuinely wish to break free from this toxic cycle and create profound intimacy for long-lasting happiness.
Sister, you’ve been evolving so much that you’ve outgrown your environment! You’re dying to share your deepest insights without having to explain your language or be perceived as a witch! You long to see your environment reflect your inner evolution. Joining a community of powerful women who just get you at the soul level sounds like a dream to you. Here, manifesting and circulating sexual energy are your normal tea talk
You wonder, “How does Aurika know all of those intimate
parts of my being that I don’t even dare admit to my own diary?”
Sister, this longing is your path to gold. Take it from my own lived journey. Let me introduce myself.
Hi! I’m Aurika Valan.
I’m a women’s sexuality coach who used to think sexuality was a messy, merky place — certainly not something I’d want to “work on” or believe to be a place to find self-love.
Here’s my story about how I moved away from living completely in my head, successfully suppressing all of my emotions, and suffering from insomnia to creating an orgasmically-supercharged life where I feel truly home within and without.
It was siesta time during a very hot afternoon in Madrid. Instead of having a relaxing nap, I was crying myself to sleep just like the day before. At the time, I had moved through a horrible breakup and abandoned my corporate career in a hope to try my “new path” as a yoga teacher. Surprisingly, this “spiritually idyllic” life at a yoga center had me feeling more stuck and disjointed than ever before.
In my meditations, I was quarreling with God: “But why?! I’ve done all the right things! I tried therapy, I left “the matrix” to teach yoga, I’ve read all the right books. I was meditating & chanting mantras daily…I even had a spiritual name… Why does it feel that I’m still missing the point?”
My quest to find that missing piece of the puzzle led me to all kinds of unbelievable places. From Tinder to the Amazonian jungle, from techno festivals, to thinking that maybe I should be a cool eco housewife and just birth babies.
Little did I know…The answer was so close that I had overlooked it all together.
It wasn’t a sexy prince on a white horse who would love me even if I didn’t love myself. Nor was it meditating my emotions away.
It was discovering the sacredness of my sexuality, body, and emotions that saved me, quite literally, and became THE healing nectar for my soul. It wasn’t drinking coconuts in Bali.
Sexuality and embodiment work helped me get out of the unhealthy masculine just bulldozing through life. Eventually, I was able to expand my emotional spectrum where ALL emotions are welcome, became multiorgasmic, learned how to feel safe and grounded in my body, and called in a wonderful relationship with my beloved who’s sitting across from me as I write this.
If someone had told me back then that awakening my sexuality was the missing piece in the puzzle of my life, I would have called them crazy. Now who I think is crazy are the people who hope their lives will change without doing the inner work!
What could be more internally profound than your body, heart, and Eros, your life force energy? These are the missing keys to reclaiming your sexual desire, feeling confident in your body, and creating profound intimacy.
Erotically Embodied™ is a blueprint for becoming an integrated, whole woman who is not only able to surrender to waves of pleasure in her body but also hold life’s intensity. This is huge! Once you feel safe to fully LEAN INTO whatever you’re feeling, you have mastered the human experience. Yes, EE is not just a program. It’s a way of living and loving.
Erotically Embodied™ is a blueprint for becoming an integrated, whole woman who is not only able to surrender to waves of pleasure in her body but also hold life’s intensity. This is huge! Once you feel safe to fully LEAN INTO whatever you’re feeling, you have mastered the human experience. Yes, EE is not just a program. It’s a way of living and loving.
It’s time you meet the 3 pillars of becoming Erotically Embodied™:
Feminine Magnetism
✔ Master your emotions so that they become a source of your feminine aliveness (instead of blaming yourself for being too wild / emotional / intense / needy—you name it!)
✔ Learn how to source your own pleasure as a way to ignite your feminine radiance
✔ Learn how to relax, inhabit your body, and allow your soul to vibrate through. Through your erotically alive body, you beam out love instead of seeking love. This is pure fem magnetism.
Awakening the Eros
✔ Reignite your sexual desire and know how to cultivate it so that it becomes an infinite source of energy and creativity in life.
✔ Embody and integrate your sexuality in all realms of your life, not just in the bedroom, so that your whole life becomes a natural extension of your erotic activation.
✔ Embody your Eros so that you continuously feel turned on by life and know how to use this life force energy to boost your creativity, self-confidence, and manifestation.
Sacred Union & the Art of Polarity
✔ Learn embodied communication and refine the way you express your feelings in a way that inspires others to lean into you.
✔ Create a solid Inner Union between your Inner Masculine and your Inner Feminine as a way to feel safe and whole. Inner Union work will help you transform your relationships—as you strengthen your inner coupling, your outer reality begins to reflect that too.
✔ Learn how to trust the masculine, take the armour off your heart and slowly melt the resentment towards men away as you rewire your relationship with the masculine and heal the father wound.
How does Erotically Embodied differ from other programs?
Erotically Embodied is an intensive designed to leave you feeling self-resourced and equipped with potent tools that will last you for a lifetime.
Many online programs extensively focus on explaining new knowledge, they don’t give you enough space to experience what it FEELS LIKE to embody it.
Other programs will take you through very intense emotional rollercoasters but won’t leave you enough space for integration.
Erotically Embodied is a comprehensive, skillfully designed experience where you will receive a balanced amount of:
✔ Powerful theory for your brain to have plenty “aha!” moments and create positive imprints for your new life.
✔ Activation to release any built up tightness in your system
✔ Embodiment where you cultivate the SKILL of becoming sensitive to the messages and expressions of your body
✔ Integration where your transformation safely “lands” in your body, your nervous system is relaxed, and you’re ready to incorporate the experience in your life.
How does Erotically Embodied differ from other programs?
Erotically Embodied is an intensive designed to leave you feeling self-resourced and equipped with potent tools that will last you for a lifetime.
Many online programs extensively focus on explaining new knowledge, they don’t give you enough space to experience what it FEELS LIKE to embody it.
Other programs will take you through very intense emotional rollercoasters but won’t leave you enough space for integration.
Erotically Embodied is a comprehensive, skillfully designed experience where you will receive a balanced amount of:
✔ Powerful theory for your brain to have plenty “aha!” moments and create positive imprints for your new life.
✔ Activation to release any built up tightness in your system
✔ Embodiment where you cultivate the SKILL of becoming sensitive to the messages and expressions of your body
✔ Integration where your transformation safely “lands” in your body, your nervous system is relaxed, and you’re ready to incorporate the experience in your life.
Don’t just take my word for it
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I have been neglecting my physical body and the growth that takes place when we go within. And this program is a perfect initiation into that level of work. Aurika is a fantastic leader of this. She carries such beauty, rawness, and genuine care. She is on the ball, she knows her stuff, she explains everything beautifully. The exercises that we do each week really support the learning that we need to do in that week and it supports us when we come up against some emotional turbulence. I feel incredibly empowered now through that.
Aurika also goes into great depth of the inner masculine and feminine and that is incredibly useful. I have a much healthier relationship between each version within myself and that helps me find stability, balance, centeredness and alignment within. Ultimately I feel a lot more free within myself and in my body! My throat chakra is good and clear. Alleluia!
And the way that Aurika shares is fabulous. She holds the container and the group setting really well. The relationships that I’ve built in this group have been so tender, sweet and beautiful because we were all there showing up together in our rawness and vulnerability—it felt like you’re really not alone when doing this deep work.
And then to have someone as strong as Aurika guiding—really powerful. I really cannot recommend this program enough. If you feel like you need to reconnect with your body, if you need to learn how to feel feelings, if you want to feel like what it feels like to be feminine or masculine and to understand the difference between the two, if you have emotional wounding you need to heal – this is the course for you.
Nicola Henderson
Soul Coach, Australia
Thanks to this program, all of my relationships went through very important transformations — my relationship with myself, my partner, my children, my ex-husband and even my parents.
I’ve been a “communication nerd” for many years now and, I must say, this program with Aurika has completely upleveled my communication skills. I learnt how to express my emotions in an integrated way and how to not bypass my emotions by talking about them too much. I’m now able to express my needs and boundaries in such beautiful ways that I didn’t know were possible before and, even more, I also know how to support the other person to express their needs and boundaries at such a new level.
It’s so wonderful to see how Aurika truly embodies what she teaches. She’s so centered and has a very strong inner union, so she can really hold the space with a masculine structure and clear frames and also be such a role model when it comes to the feminine – dancing, shaking and expressing emotions. Such an inspiration!
Aurika has not only been an inspiration as a coach, but also really supported me with discovering myself and understanding what I want form my life and not continuing to live on autopilot. I feel extremely grateful for that. If you’re thinking of joining this program – you definitely won’t regret it.
Maria Demérus
Professional singer & vocal coach, Sweden
I don’t need more details, Aurika!
My soul is vibrating and I’m feeling a full body yes!
The 3-MONTH Erotically Embodied Experience
Module 1
Energy and Attitude to Embody Your Eros
- Your Eros won’t activate without this piece. We’ll amplify your confidence as a woman by learning how to feel safe in your body and feel it from from within.
- You’ll make some very specific tweaks to your daily life which will allow you to begin clearing any energetic blockages.
- You’ll learn about my signature practice Activating the Serpent, which will help you not only upgrade your feminine frequency but also ignite your aliveness and create sexual polarity.
- You’ll learn exactly what makes some women so irresistibly magnetic while so many others– even wearing the most lux perfume and heels–struggle to feel truly radiant.
Module 2
Dark Goddess
- If you bypass the fierce, uncompromising, raging Dark Goddess inside of you, you will waste years of your life in a hope to feel whole and complete.
- Discover the exact way I’ve used to drop the good girl mask and embody a much wider feminine spectrum than I could have ever imagined.
- Once you embody this process, you’ll feel so much more accepting of the parts of you that you once suppressed as unwelcome.
- Get clear on how to increase your emotional fluidity as a way to ignite Eros and desire.
Module 3
Inner Union between your Masculine and Feminine energies
- Discover the real reason why just “dropping into your feminine” will not bring you the love and the life transformation you desire.
- You’ll begin your most profound personal practice of integrating both the inner Masculine and Feminine energies together.
- Understand the power of leaning in and being able to hold yourself (instead of relying on the outside to feel happy) so that you pave the way to a more balanced and spiritually meaningful outer union.
Module 4
Meeting the Yoni
- Discover not only the physical anatomy of your most sacred temple but also learn that your sexuality is contextual & requires deep emotional safety.
- Understand why most women hold an energetic armour in the yoni resulting in numbness or pain.
- Through a sacred healing self-massage ceremony, you’ll begin dissolving that armour so that you recreate the vitality and sensitivity in the yoni.
- Once your yoni begins to feel safe to let go and relax, you’ll be ready to open up to deep orgasmic bliss that touches your whole body and heart.
Module 5
Pleasure as Prayer
- Pleasure is not something reserved to the confines of the bedroom (and doesn’t necessarily entail sex).
- You’ll learn about how to train your “pleasure muscle” in daily life as a prerequisite for exquisite pleasure in the bedroom.
- I’ll guide you into a powerful ritual in the Art of Self-Seduction so that you learn how to awaken deep pleasure in ALL of your body.
- Most importantly, you’ll get to experience how to self-source your own pleasure so that it supercharges all areas of your life, from work to relationships.
Module 6
Healing Your Relationship with the Masculine
- Shedding any emotional and mental debris that keeps your heart armoured in relationship to the Masculine.
- Discover how you unconsciously project your Father Wound onto all of your partners and how this keeps you stuck in the same, co-dependent relational patterns.
- Create a new paradigm of forgiving and choosing to trust the Masculine.
- Learn how healing your relationship with the Masculine will increase your capacity to surrender sexually, help you own your boundaries, and attract emotionally available partners.
Module 7
The Fundamentals of Creating a Sacred Union
- Find out what’s the difference between conscious and unconscious relationships. What does it take to transition to a conscious partnership? What can you do if “there’s no good men out there” or if your partner is “not on the path”?
- You’re only as needy as your unmet needs. Discover what your needs are and learn an effective, drama-free method to express them.
- Identify your attachment style. Are you afraid of losing love? Or are you afraid of getting lost in love? Learn how to create secure attachment as a key to healthy love.
Module 8
The Art of Sexual Polarity
- Discover how to naturally inspire his Masculine by polarising into your Feminine (instead of telling him what to do and how to “be better”).
- Maturing the expression of your Feminine (from needy to open as love) to invoke his Mature Masculine who wants to choose and ravish you.
- Learn my method “Desiring your own Desire” to uncover your desires and express them artfully – with empowerment and without entitlement.
Module 9
Celebration Ceremony
Babe, let me surprise you with this one!
BONUS: THREE expert guest speakers!
You’ll have the honour to learn from three expert guest speakers so that you create an even more profound multi-layered transformation. You’ll discover how your Menstrual Cycle—as spiritual practice—is key to you becoming. an embodied woman. On top of that, since we’ll be working a lot with healing your relationship with the Masculine, I’m bringing in one of the most integrated men I know to inspire you with his approach to Awakening the Eros.
The third speaker will be my surprise for you, my beloved…
Soraya Sheikh is a Menstruality Mentor and will share her embodied wisdom about the menstrual cycle being our original feminne spiritual practice. Soraya’s passion is teaching people about the multi-layered, biological, psychological, and spiritual system of evolution that lies within a woman’s body through the practice of Menstrual Cycle Awareness.
Aaron Kleinerman a Transformational Sex and Relationship Coach & Facilitator. His mission is to help people remember who they truly are in order to awaken their inner erotic wisdom. Aaron is a top men’s coach and will give us a fresh perspective on relationships, love, and sexuality from the male perspective.
The third speaker will be an expert in the Art of Polarity. As you’ll find out, keeping the mystery is an important element of this, so may this speaker be a mystery for now 😉
I Am Ready to become Erotically Embodied
What will you receive when you join Erotically Embodied:
✔ 9 x 90min weekly live group calls with Aurika Valan to embody your Eros through a multitude of angles and enjoy a safe space with other powerful women
✔ 3 BONUS calls with expert guest speakers to give you a multi-layered perspective on becoming Erotically Embodied
✔ Access to pre-recorded teaching material (the program will be comprised of both pre-recorded and live experiences)
✔ 1 x in-depth questionnaire before the program to get very clear on where you’re at and what you want to experience.
✔ 1 x very intentionally designed questionnaire at the end of the program to reflect upon and integrate your transformation
✔ Weekly worksheets with powerful guidance and journaling prompts to uncover any patterns that are no longer aligned with being Erotically Embodied
✔ Downloadable practice instructions so that you can come back to the practices for the rest of your lifetime
✔ Access to a private Facebook group where you can share about your experience and reach out to other women for support
✔ Your own personal accountability buddy, aka Eros Bestie, to keep you accountable, motivated, and inspired throughout the course and possibly for years to come! (optional)
✔ Access to the call recordings and program material for at least one year
Aurika’s way of teaching is so different from others — she really shows you how to embody everything that you learn in this program. We read a lot of books, listen to podcasts but we are truly scared to go within our bodies because it’s a more difficult way. But it’s also a more profound way of changing ourselves.
I feel so liberated. I feel more authentic. I feel more confident. I’m not afraid to speak my truth. I own my emotions and I feel more responsible for myself and for my life. I no longer feel like a victim of my life. I feel that I can actually create my life just the way I want to create it. I just feel so grateful because it’s been only a few months but I feel such a different person. For example, before I would actually plan what to say in a video and now I just truly trust that everything that comes through me is right!
I really think this course is the best thing that you can do for yourself. Lean into your sexuality because, as Aurika says, when you awaken your sexual energy everything that’s not love will come out to the surface and that’s why it’s such a profound work when we go within. And this program is a perfect initiation into that level of work.
Elísabet Maríudóttir
Eldercare, Iceland
Before joining this program, I had doubts and fears coming up— wasn’t sure if I’m worthy of this investment. And actually it’s probably the best investment I could have ever made because it definitely shows the world and the universe that I’m ready. I’m ready to really truly love myself and prioritize myself.
In this program we touched upon so many topics—from feminine embodiment to emotional release, from relationships to changing limiting beliefs to. As a result, I started listening to myself and body so deeply that I started seeing changes in ALL of my life. I felt so empowered that, for example, I could finally make some important decisions around my career.
The most important part for me was to allow and give myself permission to rest and experience pleasure because before I felt I wasn’t worthy enough to do that. Now I can accept all parts of myself.
In terms of relationships, I knew that something was there and that was affecting my relationships but I just wanted to distract myself and run away. Aurika guided us beautifully to meet the Father Wound and the resulting distrust in men. And when I fully went in, I realized that I’m worthy of the love and the relationship I desire. I was able to say no to relationships that didn’t meet me on a deeper level. To do this, I also had to drop the good girl mask and this program really helped me to do that.
What’s special about Aurika—she embodies everything she teaches. She’s both fierce and also very gentle, so she definitely creates a safe space and encourages you to hold yourself, not to be hard on yourself, no matter what is coming up.
HR Recruiter, Netherlands
Aurika appeared in my life and I saw it as my last chance to come out of my depression. I don’t know where I would be now without the coaching I did with her.
I don’t experience pain in my body anymore. I don’t experience premenstrual pain and I actually enjoy my menstruation. I love looking at myself in the mirror, I love touching myself, feeling that my body is actually a gift that I was given. For the first time in my entire life I love myself! I love the body I am in and I experience pleasure in relating to others.
My outer world has changed dramatically. I met a wonderful man who has been stepping into being a father figure to my daughter. I went from having no job to having so many offers and opportunities. It was my dream to work as a yoga teacher and a job opportunity just came to me without even looking for it! I manifested a home. I’m healthier than ever. I feel better than ever. These things that have come into my life are just bonuses that reflect the change in my inner world. Aurika is the most amazing mentor and friend that I could ever have asked for. If you feel called to do something like this with Aurika, I promise you that you won’t regret it!”
Yoga teacher, Brazil/Sweden
for Powerful Integration
(3 spots only)
The VIP option gives you access to:
✓ 3 x 90min calls
✓ Access to Aurika via Voxer
(similar to whatsapp)
Would you benefit from personalized 1:1 coaching?
If you sense that you may desire extra support, here’s your chance to get personalized coaching and exclusive 1:1 access to Aurika in order to extract maximum depth from your experience and powerfully integrate it in your life.
The first call will take place within the first 2 weeks of the program so that we can make an “inventory” of your life and create a roadmap for you to get the most out of this experience.
The second call will take place any time in the second part of the program and is designed to help you integrate your newly Embodied Eros in your daily life and relationships. And of course, we’ll take time to celebrate how far you’ve come!
This is the most accessible way to have Aurika in your inner circle for the entire 12 weeks, getting weekly condensed wisdom from the group intensive, AND having her 1:1 support as you upgrade your life.
$4,570 pay in full
3 x $1,670 pay in instalments
Available until 6th Feb 9:59am (CST)
VIP Full Price
$4,970 pay in full
3 x $1,820 pay in instalments
from 10:00am (CST) 6th Feb until the program begins
Are you ready to reignite your desire and awaken your sensuality?
Your Investment for a Lifetime of Feminine Radiance
VIP Presale Price
$1,870 pay in full
3 x $686 pay in instalments
Full Price
$2,270 pay in full
3 x $832 pay in instalments
I’m ready to become erotically embodied!
Living what I preach and preaching what I live
This program is an orgasmically birthed creation of mine that condenses my experience of extensive self-practice and study, endless trainings and workshops, doing profoundly transformational work through work 1:1 coaching, and also holding large group containers. Safety, integrity, and compassion are my uppermost values
I’m not your head-orientated coach that can’t deal with human pain & will try to fix you by telling you what to do.
I’m not your floaty Tantra coach who just is great at making discourses about Shiva and Shakti but has little grounding in this reality.
My method reflects my own Inner Union between my inner Feminine & Masculine where I strive to create a grounded and safe container for intuitive, mystically profound transformations to take place.
It’s been 7 very deep weeks of transformation.I’m going through a divorce right now so, when I started Erotically Embodied, I was very lost, confused and angry, just blaming everyone for what happened in my life. In this program, my perspective on life started changing from day one.
Today I love myself in a totally different way. I appreciate myself. I learned to express my feelings and emotions. I know what I want from life and I’m not scared to go and get it anymore. I feel like I got my voice back. So I feel really empowered and really really really excited to start my new chapter in life.
I gained so much wisdom, support and insights from Aurika. I learned new practices. We also had the most amazing and supportive group of women where we could fully express ourselves and feel understood. I feel that they’re my sisters right now and I deeply love each of them.
I really recommend this course for every woman, especially for those who feel lost or feel like something is missing in their lives. I’m sure that Aurika will lovingly guide you to become more of yourself, more embodied and more powerful woman.
Entrepreneur, Germany
She came as a blessing! I am in awe. Aurika guided me in such a safe and empowering way that I was able to go not only to spaces where I wouldn’t have been able to go by myself, but even to spaces I didn’t even know existed.
I was able to reconnect with parts of my being that I had not felt for 12 years. I was able to reconnect with my sexual energy in a way that I had not imagined; had been dormant for such a long time! And now I can easily tap into my sexual energy whenever I want. I don’t need to wait for it to magically just happen.
For the first time in my life, I was able to receive love for myself. Not in the mechanical way I was doing it before (eg pampering myself in a superficial way), but truly receiving love from myself in my heart.
I now feel like sexual energy moves through my body. I can step into it. I show up for myself. I feel really transformed, so much more present and so much happier. I wish all the women in the world to be guided in such a loving and empowering way as Aurika guided meme.
I came to the program with my body being numb and I didn’t even know it was numb! And now my body, my heart and my soul are feeling things I never knew I was capable of feeling.
I used to observe those glowing, beautiful girls with sparkling eyes and wonder, ‘what are they truly feeling?’. They felt somewhat unreachable to me. And you know what, in this program I found myself feeling pleasure in my whole body, my whole existence…I’m feeling so free and alive! It was a new kind of freedom I had never tasted before.
Erotically Embodied exceeded my expectations. The way she created the program is so precise, so that the inner journey could be pleasant, fun, and comfortable. She gave a lot of information, highly transformative practices, and a lot of support and resources to dive deeply into that magical ocean of ME. I highly recommend working with this beautiful soul and exploring this magnificent ocean of YOU. Believe me, I got so much out of it and I feel so thankful to Aurika.
Yoga instructor, Lithuania
Boundaries are a fundamental part of self-love work. So, what are Aurika’s boundaries during EE?
- Aurika will only answer clarifying questions submitted prior the group calls that are related to the actual program content and practices.
- Aurika will NOT be providing personalized coaching in group sessions.
- There will be no personal access to Aurika in between the group calls.
- Facebook group is a place for the participants to engage with each other. Aurika may jump on the group from time to time but there will be no coaching in the FB group.
Why such boundaries? Because sexuality work is delicate and nuanced, each woman’s experience is completely different and it would be out of integrity to try to solve someone’s trauma or deep hurt in a few minutes (or in a FB comment!) without having context about their life.
If you desire more personalized support during the program, please book the VIP option
Answers to your burning questions
What if I can’t attend a session?
If for some reason you can’t make it to a session, don’t worry! Everything will be recorded so you can view the recording anytime later. If you know in advance that you can’t make it and have a question about your practice, you can send it to me beforehand and I’ll have it answered during the call. This way you feel completely included in the journey!
I am currently in a lockdown with my family. Will I need private space to attend the calls?
Yes. You will need to check in with your family so that they can give you private space and time not only during the sessions, but also for home practices. Having private space and time is fundamental for you to get the most out of this experience.
Where there be any nudity involved?
There will be no nudity shown on camera. Should there be an intimate practice done in a group call, it will be done with cameras turned off to respect participants’ privacy.
Topics about sexuality and shadow work are my unexplored territory. Can I join if I have no experience with it?
This program is skillfully designed to be gradual and create a safe container for people to relax into as we’ll be going deeper. It’s not necessary for you to have done work with sexuality per se but it’s required that you’ve done self-development work and that you’re familiar with this language.
This is an intensive and some topics and practices will most likely feel uncomfortable for you (which is a sign that you’re growing, by the way!), especially if you’ve never worked on releasing your emotions. You can still join but then it should be your utmost priority to implement all the practices and potentially dedicate extra time to them.
Are there any refunds or guarantees?
Nope. And I’ve never been asked for one!
Does it matter whether I'm single or in a relationship?
It does not. Your connection to your body, Eros, and emotions begins within yourself and you’ve gotta do the inner work first. The module of healing our relationship to the masculine is fundamental whatever your relationship status is. When relevant, however, I will explain the specific nuances when it comes to working on your relationship if you have one, or potentially trying to attract one if you’re single.
Can you guarantee that this course will help me reclaim my desire?
Your sexual desire (or its absence) is a result a myriad of factors, such as your self-worth, levels of stress, past trauma, safety in your relationship, any sexual shame, Masculine-Feminine polarity in your life and your relationship, sexual compatibility, energetic sensitivity of your body etc. In EE, we’ll explore the topic of sexual desire from a myriad of angles which will create a very fertile ground for you to reignite desire. The final outcome however will depend on your very specific circumstances.
Are you a YES to creating an erotically activated life?
More about your facilitator
Aurika Valan is a women’s sexuality coach and a creatrix of transformational spaces that enable people to experience the depth of their raw, uncensored Truth. It is her deepest soul’s calling to serve fellow sisters and brothers when it comes to awakening consciousness in our sexuality.
Based on extensive self-practice, Tantra and Taoism inspired trainings, and also living immersed in conscious community life, Aurika offers a uniquely embodied, down-to-earth approach. She loves depth and WHOLEistic transformation where merging our sexuality, body, and heart becomes an embodied form of prayer.
Apart from facilitating in person journeys, her main line of work is through 1-on-1 and group coaching. She has a particular passion to empower women. Therefore, she created the Heroine’s Journey into Sexual Awakening which is a condensed 5-month Initiation for women to jumpstart their sexual awakening and create self-love that lasts.